

Can your pet die from COVID-19?

If you’ve asked yourself this question, you can rest assured you’re in good company. Every month, thousands of pet parents turn to Google to find the answer to this question. They also ask questions like, “Can dogs get COVID?” or “What symptoms of COVID in dogs should I look out for?” or “Can cats get COVID?”

It makes sense that you’re curious to learn more about how COVID-19 may impact your pet’s health. After all, the pandemic has completely transformed the way in which we live our lives. We’ve had to rethink our typical behaviors in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

So how exactly do we keep our pets safe? One of the best things pet owners can do is arm themselves with up-to-date information on COVID-19 and pets.

Obviously at Pet News Daily we’ve invested significantly in a number of resources to help keep your pet healthy, such as: our dog size calculatorgoldendoodle size chart (and our general overview of dog weights), buying guides for important products like an escape proof dog harness and our list of foods dogs can and can’t eat. Towards that end and to bring you up to speed, Pet News Daily has created a research-backed infographic to share the latest research on COVID-19 and pet health safety. We’ve pooled together information from leading COVID-related sources, including the CDC, FDA, and WHO.

If you want to ensure your pet remains in full health, free from COVID-19, our infographic is a must-read.

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